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Our Environmental Pledge

Our smart in-home displays are key enablers towards the path to achieving Net Zero by 2050.

We are passionate about not only enabling the smarter use of energy consumption but also ensuring our products minimise environmental impact.

Here are some of the steps we have taken to contribute towards Net Zero.

Our in-home display packaging is eco-friendly

Since we support the drive towards Net Zero, it is appropriate that we, in turn, take every step we can to reduce our environmental impact. All our product packaging contains no single-use plastics and is made from 100% biodegradable or recyclable materials. 

Minimising our product impacts 

We optimise design, development and all supply chain activities to ensure our products have the minimum possible impact. Against the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) 2012 targets, we are significantly ahead in both recycling and recovery targets at well over 80%.


We have optimised our packaging for shipping to reduce our carbon footprint 

By repackaging our shipment units to increase the number of displays that can be shipped on a container by 25%, we have reduced our carbon footprint.

A user-friendly interface makes managing energy use easy

All of our in-home displays are designed around a logical menu structure, making it much easier for consumers to manage and reduce their energy consumption. It only takes a couple of clicks to access detailed information on energy history and usage, energy accounts, tariffs, and much more.

We drive electric or hybrid vehicles

The majority of our team now drive electric or hybrid vehicles. As an organisation, we plan to be fully electric within the next year.

Our joint venture partner's HQ is being developed with green credentials in mind

The new global HQ of one of our joint venture companies, Hutchison Technologies, is being developed with green credentials in mind. Here are some of the green steps being taken:

• No natural gas used for office heating. Heating and air conditioning systems will use air source heat pump technology.

• Installing one of the largest solar panel arrays in Tayside. A significant percentage of the electricity required will be generated by this on-site solar panel system.

• 40 EV Charging Bays to support the full electrification of the company's fleet of vehicles.

All these steps mean that at a group level we can show our commitment to sustainability and achieve an aspiration to be a carbon-neutral business by 2025.

Read our article on how smart metering is an important enabler for Net Zero.

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